Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Frank Raymo/Raymond & Emma Pecott(?)

I think I may be able to safely assume that Rosanna "Anna" Raymo's father *is* Frank but her mother isn't Emma Pecott...

My father and my aunt both have said they knew Clifford, Russell, Charlie... Though the girl names aren't ringing any bells.

I have two censuses:

1900 Census: Addison, Addison County, Vermont
Raymond, Frank: Head - Male - May 1862 - 38 - 5 years married - born: France - immigrated 1883
Raymond, Emma: Wife - Female - May 1867 - 33 - 5 years married - born: New York
Raymond, Caroline: Daughter - Female - June 1896 - 3 - born: Vermont
Raymond, Edward S.: Son - Male - September 1898 - 1 - born: Vermont
Brooska, Clara S.: Niece - Female - November 1886 - 13

Now, what confuses me in this 1900 census is that it says that Emma has had only two children. Both are listed in the census. Anna Raymo was born in December of 1885.

My father sat in front of the computer at and after just ten minutes or so, he managed to find this 1910 census! Eesh.

1910 Census: New Haven, Addison County, Vermont
Ramo, Frank: Head - Male - 55 - SECOND MARRIAGE - 15 years married - born: France - immigrated 1889
Ramo, Emma: Wife - Female - 45 - First Marriage - 15 years married - born: New York
Ramo, Caroline: Daughter - Female - 14 - born: Vermont
Ramo, Edward: Son - Male - 11 - born: Vermont
Ramo, Charles: Son - Male - 9 - born: Vermont
Ramo, Clifford: Son - Male - 7 - born: Vermont
Ramo, Howard: Son - Male - 6 - born: Vermont
Ramo, Russell: Son - Male - 4 - born: Vermont

I'm convinced now that Anna's mother is someone else, from Frank's first marriage. Still doing some more digging.

EDIT: Not sure how to find Anna's mother. Anna was born in 1885 and would've shown up in the 1890 census but that burned.. and 1900, Frank had already moved on to his next family. The marriage years seem consistent so it is safe to say they married in 1895. Something happened after 1885 and before 1895.

According to the one member's tree, the unaccounted name left is Phoebe. No dates available for her either.

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