Friday, August 29, 2008

Found the Person who wrote out Partenais

I didn't think it was possible but I found the person who wrote out "Descendants of Joseph Partenais dit Partenay". I found one of her posts and contacted her to see what other information she had. She ended up sending me the very file I already had! She's been an extremely big help in finding stuff that I think would've taken me years to ever find.

This means I need to stop slacking off and finally update the website with new information. I have discovered that the censuses I've been uploading to an image hosting site is funky. If I try to visit the full view, I get an error saying the image doesn't exist - yet if I log in, all the images are still there.

One of these days, I'll have to register a domain url and get all of this hosted on one site but I don't have the extra money for it seeing as how prices are going up for everything.

I guess I'll be updating the site on my computer and try to get it all uploaded later.

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