Monday, April 16, 2007

Photographs and Tombstones

I just recently got some photographs of my family. It's pretty neat! I finally know what Zenas Wood and Blanche Chase looked like - even though they're very old in the picture.

I also got many pictures of tombstones that I uploaded to I recognized a couple of names but most of them ring no bells for me.

However, there is a tombstone of Julius and Josephine Rivait near Stephen Rivait's tombstone. Maybe Julius and Josephine really were his parents - all of this being based off censuses I found. I would feel better if I had some concrete evidence.

I'll have to update the information on my homepage soon.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Site Index

I was told that my site can be a little bit hard to navigate with some stuff tucked away that wouldn't be seen otherwise.


I doubt it's any less confusing but I believe every single page/item is listed on the one html document now.